Monday, March 22, 2010

The Blow .. .. ... And I Ain't talking COKE!!!

It came when we weren't looking

When no one thought to stay on guard

It dealt us it's deadly blow

And DAMN we hit the floor hard

This doing of Aphrodite (Venus) and her son

Greek or Roman? Eros or Cupid?

No time to argue over which name is the correct one

No! That'll be plain stupid

What we must do is focus on these feelings

and decide what to do with them

must we pretend that they do not exist

or make plans to go through with them

For those arrows have left me a hole

and a poison just in case

but I feel you are the antidote

and mine will your heart replace.

I wrote this poem in French class ... So I guess the whole French / Romantic thing may Have some weight to it. I seem to do my most romantic thinking there.

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